Joseph Stalin, originally named "Losif Vissarinovich Dzhugashvil" was born December 18th, 1878 in Gori, Georgia, Russia. Stalin was the former dictator of Russia upon Vladimir Lenins death. The Soviet government went through a violent period of time after the revolution after many people strived to have the position of being the leader. In 1922, Stalin was selected to be the general secretary of the Communist Party. It wasn't a big position but it allowed stalin to build a base to work his way up from because it gave Stalin control over all the party member appointments. He used his small amount of power to the point where nearly all the members of the central command basically owed their position to him. By the time people found out what he was doing it was too late and Lenin was gravely ill. When Lenin died is when Stalin set out to destroy the old party leadership and take total control, and he succeeded. Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land which resulted in millions dying from famine while others were sent to camps. Stalin along with the red army also helped defeat Nazi Germany. Stalin later died on March 5th 1953 in Moscow, Russia.
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